Welcome to Felice Quilt Designs!

I invite you to take some time and wander through the pages of my website. I LOVE color and texture and work to design wool and cotton quilts that are fun to create and interesting to look at and own.

There are patterns for you to create and art quilts for purchase. My most recent focus has been with indigo dyeing using Shibori techniques and then incorporating those fabrics into quilts. You can find my quilts that are available for purchase on the Gallery page.

I love to teach and am available for Workshops and Trunk Shows. Please refer to the Classes page for more information. I am a Wonderfil Educator.

You can find their beautiful threads HERE


Art quilts available for purchase

A Variety of Techniques and Subjects



Pollinator Blooms is available as a full pattern and also by blocks.

It is great for a Block of the Month Series.

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Hummingbird’s Delight is a DIGITAL Pattern. It uses two threads and is created for a 12” hoop! You can download it today!


Enjoy your visit!

Subscribe to my newsletter if you are interested in keeping up with new patterns and classes. All patterns can be done in all wool or with the cotton prints. You can also follow my current work on Facebook or Instagram.


I am a Wonderfil Teacher and can lead classes using their line of Eleganza Perle Cotton.